It has been awhile since there has been a real, steady blog posting schedule. But I am not going to pretend that it is magically going to get better immediately. The thing is, I need to get back into the habit of reading novels, writing reviews, writing blog posts, and filming YouTube videos.
My goal for both this blog and YouTube is to post at least once a week for the foreseeable future. I miss the routine I had gotten into of reading for fun and then writing about then. I miss doing that.
This blog really took a bit of a backseat when I started my graduate program. Now that I have finished that program and officially graduated in December 2019, I want to start to devote more time to this blog.
As a side note, my YouTube channel has also taken a bit of a break that I am starting to get back into a routine there. I do not want to commit to more than one video each week since that gets overwhelming.
On the topic of overwhelming, this blog and a YouTube channel can each get overwhelming independently… so when I have both it is twice as easy to get overwhelmed. I took a step back from both, especially this blog, to get more balance in my life and I am going to try to start getting back into things in a way that complements my life and does not take it over.
This blog is not my full-time job. YouTube is not my full-time job. Neither are my job. They are hobbies that I have that I have tried to share with all of you. And that is okay. They are not where the majority of my time gets put in a day. As such, they do not always get updated regularly and that is the way it is going to be. If you want something updated more frequently or done more perfectly, you are more than welcome to support me monthly on Patreon or through a one-time tip on Ko-fi.
The thing I am trying to really get across is that this is not my life. My life is not sitting in front of a computer making content for you to consume. I have other responsibilities in my life that take precedence to my online presence. That is just the way it is and it always will be.
Anyway, on to different topics, I am so excited to be writing for this blog again. I have missed all of you readers and I am excited to share the books I am reading with you again.
I hope you are ready to stay on this journey with me and I want you to know that I will do my best to have at least one post each week for you. Please let me know if there is anything you would specifically like me to talk about.
You can also find me on Twitter, Instagram, and Discord.
What would you like to see more of here on the blog?
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If you like the content of this blog and would like to help Amanda pay off her student loans, please consider making a purchase on Etsy or giving a small donation on Ko-Fi.
Most of us will realize that the internet blogs and you tubes you share are not your priority, but an offering to God and Our Blessed Mother to bring down blessings when we pray together.It is all God’s plan, and Our Lord will lead and guide you .I feel blessed praying with you and I thank the Lord He has put you in our lives.Take as much or as little time as you want and feel directed to by God, in ways He wants you to, as we appreciate all you share.It may not be a source of income, butvtgat may not be God’s purpose.Trust He will take care of every need you have according to His will and He will bless you in His way , in His time.JMJ Janice
Thank you, Janice. May God bless you abundantly!
So good to hear from you Amanda. I totally agree and understand about your time and the time you are able to give to us through your posts and videos. We are lucky to have you sharing and praying with us and so whatever and whenever you are able to we are happy and thankful to you and to God for having you in our lives. God bless you and take care of you! United in prayers always!
Thank you so much, Sandy. Know that you are in my prayers.
Hi Amanda,
I completely understand.
God Bless
Thank you for understanding. God bless!