Series: Ruined #1
Publisher: HarperTeen (2016)
Hardcover (368 pages)
Reading Challenges: 2016 Royal Challenge, Read 2016
A revenge that will consume her. A love that will ruin her.
Emelina Flores has nothing. Her home in Ruina has been ravaged by war. She lacks the powers of her fellow Ruined. Worst of all, she witnessed her parents’ brutal murders and watched helplessly as her sister, Olivia, was kidnapped.
But because Em has nothing, she has nothing to lose. Driven by a blind desire for revenge, Em sets off on a dangerous journey to the enemy kingdom of Lera. Somewhere within Lera’s borders, Em hopes to find Olivia. But in order to find her, Em must infiltrate the royal family.
In a brilliant, elaborate plan of deception and murder, Em marries Prince Casimir, next in line to take Lera’s throne. If anyone in Lera discovers Em is not Casimir’s true betrothed, Em will be executed on the spot. But it’s the only way to salvage Em’s kingdom and what is left of her family.
Em is determined to succeed, but the closer she gets to the prince, the more she questions her mission. Em’s rage-filled heart begins to soften. But with her life—and her family—on the line, love could be Em’s deadliest mistake.
Find the book: Goodreads, Amazon, Book Depository
My Review
I have to say that I was pleasantly surprised with this novel. I was nervous that it was going to be terrible but that is a complete lie. I absolutely loved Ruined.
Em is a great character. Her motivations are very real: she wants to save her sister, no matter the cost. I also love how she analyzes every room she enters for the easiest way to kill the occupants. Oddly, this is rather endearing. Em is pretty great.
Cas is adorable. I think he is rather great since, even with his messed up parents, he has turned out rather well. He is sensible and actually seems like he might care about the plight of the Ruined after learning a bit more.
I love the plot. There is so much at stake and no one is fully in the right. Sure, the Lerans are doing their best to kill all the Ruined but the Ruined aren’t innocent. The Ruined have tortured and killed the people of Lera and Vallos for a long time. No one is clearly in the right, which makes this story so interesting to read.
The end of the novel is crazy awesome. It is definitely leading to an action-packed sequel that I cannot wait to read! Now the only problem is that I have to wait for it…
I kind of like characters that basically aren’t reliable. Not everyone is purely good or evil. The bad guys might think they are good and the good guys might really be bad. I’m really liking this story and Em and Cas are characters I can really get behind.
Sorry for not having link ups to the Royal Challenge this summer. I have one up for August if you are still participating in the challenge. (:
Em and Cas are rather amazing, aren’t they?! I really liked the shades of gray in this novel.
And don’t worry about not having all the link ups up. Life happens!
Which I see you are by the tag and your side post looks like you crushed the challenge. Great job!
Adriana @ BooksOnHerMind recently posted…Bout of Books: Book to Movie Challenge
Thank you! I read A LOT more royal-ish books that I realized.