Posted March 31, 2016 in Faith, Life, Reading / 10 Comments

Things that Happened in March
- EASTER! The Easter Vigil is one of my favorite Masses of ever! Seriously, it is gorgeous even if it does get a bit long at times.
- My little sister was able to come home for two days for Easter. It was great to see her.
- I finally finished my application for graduate school. Now the nail-biting begins…
- Things have been absolutely crazy at school. It has been so hectic that one of my co-teachers made the comment she has spent more time in the principal’s office in the last two weeks than she did her entire career as a student. Things definitely need to slow down soon.
- I haven’t been feeling great this month. This is probably due to the stress of work and the students sharing their fun diseases with everyone they come in contact with.
- My favorite book of the month was The Star-Touched Queen by Roshani Chokshi. It was utterly amazing and beautiful. I shared some of my favorite quotes from it with my sister and now she wants an Amar.

- My favorite reread of the month was Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire by J K Rowling. In fact, this was the only reread this month.
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Tagged as Catholic, Easter, Monthly Wrap-Up, School
Posted March 14, 2016 in Reading, Review / 0 Comments
Lost Lake House by
Elisabeth Grace Foley Series: Historical Fairytales #2 Publisher: Second Sentence Press (2016 - March 16)
eARC Via: Author Rating: Reading Challenges: 2016 Retelling Challenge,
Read 2016 Synopsis
The Twelve Dancing Princesses meets the heady glamor and danger of the Jazz Age
All Dorothy Perkins wants is to have a good time. She’s wild about dancing, and can’t understand or accept her father’s strictness in forbidding it. Night after night she sneaks out to the Lost Lake House, a glamorous island nightclub rumored to be the front for more than just music and dancing…in spite of an increasingly uneasy feeling that she may be getting into something more than she can handle.
Marshall Kendrick knows the truth behind the Lost Lake House—and bitterly hates his job there. But fear and obligation have him trapped. When a twist of circumstances throws Dorothy and Marshall together one night, it may offer them both a chance at escaping the tangled web of fear and deceit each has woven…if only they are brave enough to take it.
Find the book: Goodreads, Amazon
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Tagged as 4 star, Read 2016
Posted February 28, 2016 in Life, Reading / 6 Comments

Things that Happened in February
- First of all, this is going to be a LONG post.
- Lent started which means that Easter is on the way!
- I wrote TWO discussion posts. I am thoroughly impressed with myself.
- There has been nasty stuff floating around the school I work at. I have, thankfully, not caught anything terrible yet. I, however, have been feeling a little under-the-weather.
- Speaking of weather, we have been having the weirdest winter ever! I live in Montana. We should have snow in February. Instead, all of the snow and ice has melted and we have been enjoying temperatures in the 50s and 60s! This isn’t exactly as good as it sounds since the ranchers really need the moisture from the snow in order to for the year to work out. It has been… odd.
- I finally convinced my sister to sign up with Pottermore and be sorted. (She is a Hufflepuff, in case you were curious.)
- I attended a Brew Fest with my family. It was… interesting. I cannot drink beer due to celiac and an alcohol allergy. It was thanks to that alcohol allergy that I started to go into anaphylaxis at the event. I was all, “I can’t breathe.” My dad was, “You’re fine.” I was all, “No! I really can’t breathe!” Then my dad and a family friend got me out of the crowd enough that I could recover.
- I had an amazing Religious Ed class with my students. They were extremely interested in why there are Popes, how Popes are elected, and the Popemobile (which they didn’t believe was a real thing until I showed them pictures).
- I’m slowly learning to let God take over since things have been… interesting lately.
- On the note about God, I am in the process of applying for acceptance into a Masters in Theology program. (Yes, this is a different program than my other Masters work and the previous credits will mean zero. *sigh*)
- My favorite book of the month (non-reread) was Raelia which left me completely broken and (almost) sobbing on the floor. AMAZING!
- My favorite reread of the month was Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. I love this entire series, obviously, and could definitely use a time-turner.
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Tagged as Catholic, Easter, Lent, Monthly Wrap-Up, Religious Education, School, Sister