Posted March 31, 2016 in Faith, Life, Reading / 10 Comments

Things that Happened in March
- EASTER! The Easter Vigil is one of my favorite Masses of ever! Seriously, it is gorgeous even if it does get a bit long at times.
- My little sister was able to come home for two days for Easter. It was great to see her.
- I finally finished my application for graduate school. Now the nail-biting begins…
- Things have been absolutely crazy at school. It has been so hectic that one of my co-teachers made the comment she has spent more time in the principal’s office in the last two weeks than she did her entire career as a student. Things definitely need to slow down soon.
- I haven’t been feeling great this month. This is probably due to the stress of work and the students sharing their fun diseases with everyone they come in contact with.
- My favorite book of the month was The Star-Touched Queen by Roshani Chokshi. It was utterly amazing and beautiful. I shared some of my favorite quotes from it with my sister and now she wants an Amar.

- My favorite reread of the month was Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire by J K Rowling. In fact, this was the only reread this month.
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Tagged as Catholic, Easter, Monthly Wrap-Up, School
Posted March 17, 2016 in Reading, Review / 0 Comments
Anne of Green Gables by
L M Montgomery Series: Anne of Green Gables #1 Publisher: Barnes & Noble (1908)
Hardcover (371 pages)
Rating: Reading Challenges: 2016 Backlist Books,
2016 Re-Reading,
Classics Club,
Read 2016 Synopsis
As soon as Anne Shirley arrived at the snug, white farmhouse called Green Gables, she knew she wanted to stay forever... but would the Cuthberts send her back to the orphanage? Anne knows she's not what they expected -- a skinny girl with decidedly red hair and a temper to match. If only she could convince them to let her stay, she'd try very hard not to keep rushing headlong into scrapes or blurt out the very first thing she had to say. Anne was not like anybody else, everyone at Green Gables agreed; she was special -- a girl with an enormous imagination. This orphan girl dreamed of the day when she could call herself Anne of Green Gables.
Find the book: Goodreads, Amazon, Book Depository
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Tagged as 5 star, All Time Favorites, Read 2016
Posted January 31, 2016 in Life, Reading / 12 Comments
Tagged as Monthly Wrap-Up
Posted January 29, 2016 in Reading / 14 Comments

I have decided that it is time for a re-read of one of my favorite childhood books, Anne of Green Gables. I loved this book so much as I child I even begged my parents until they agreed to take me to Prince Edward Island one summer. This quote, from page 56 in my edition, is a great part of the book where Marilla decided to allow Anne to stay at Green Gables. If you haven’t yet read this book, you really should.
From Anne of Green Gables by L M Montgomery:
I’ve been thinking over the idea until I’ve got kind of used to it.
It seems a sort of duty. I’ve never brought up a child, especially a girl,
and I dare say I’ll make a terrible mess of it. But I’ll do my best.
So far as I’m concerned, Matthew, she may stay.
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Tagged as Friday 56
Posted August 29, 2015 in Reading / 0 Comments
I decided to join the Classics Club. I have a list of 50 books here and will try to read them all by September 1, 2020. That makes it about 10 classics from my list every year. Why? Because I like classics and this will give me an incentive to read them.
Anyway, they have this 50 Question Survey on their website. I am going to answer some of them for you.
- Share a link to your club list.
- My list can be found here.
- When did you join The Classics Club? How many titles have you read for the club? (We are SO CHECKING UP ON YOU! Nah. We’re just asking.)
- I’m just joining the Classics Club now so I haven’t read any books for my list yet.

- What are you currently reading?
- I am currently reading Code Name Verity by Elizabeth Wein.
- What did you just finish reading and what did you think of it?
- I just finished The City of Glass by Cassandra Clare and thought it was awesome. I will be posting a review of it later.
- What are you reading next? Why?
- I will probably re-read Daughter of the Forest by Juliet Marillier next because it is a library book.
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Tagged as Classics Club