Tag: NaNoWriMo

Advent: The Church’s New Year

Posted November 30, 2014 in Faith / 0 Comments

It is Advent again. Let me just share with you how much I adore Advent! The beautiful Advent when we await the coming of the Lord as an infant in a stable in Bethlehem. The season of Advent also contains some of my favorite feast days: the Immaculate Conception on December 8th, Our Lady of Guadalupe on December 12th, Saint Lucy on December 13th (Did you know she’s my Confirmation saint?), and the Holy Innocents on December 28th.

Advent is beautiful to me because it is preparation, in particular preparation for the birth of the Lord Jesus. This is the season when the Church puts up more decorations, when people clean up their houses and put up lights. But it isn’t just the physical preparations for the Nativity of the Lord but also the spiritual. During the season of Advent I turn more towards prayer, especially daily prayer. As it was said in the homily today, it is during Advent when we remember that we can always come before the Lord, He is always waiting for us. It does not matter what time or place we pray for we can talk to our God anywhere, at any time.

It is during Advent when, children in particular, open Advent calendars. As a child I always had those ones with the fake-tasting chocolate in them. Now, I try to visit xt3’s virtual Advent calendar every day. As a child I wanted the chocolate. I’m sure I didn’t think that much about how the Advent calendar could inspire daily prayer. Now, however, that is exactly what I do.

Advent, as the Church’s New Year, is a great time to remember all that God has provided us with and to pray daily. Prayer doesn’t have to be long and tedious. It just has to be real, to really mean something. God is our Father and He wants us to speak to him. Let us all try to remember to speak to God daily this advent.


As a footnote: I have been recovering from being sick for the past almost two weeks, therefore, NaNoWriMo had no possible way to be finished and life has seemed super stressful. Now, in Advent, I hope things will slow down so I can just be.

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NaNoWriMo Prep: Storyboard Mind Mapping

Posted October 30, 2014 in Writing / 0 Comments

So I have this strange way of prepping for NaNoWriMo. Usually I don’t map things
out and plan more than just three or so plot points. However, this year I did things
a little differently.

Behold, The Storyboard Mind Mapping Thing

Yeah, I’m not really sure what to call it exactly. It just came out of my head like this and I went with it. The note cards and yarn have a bit of a color code as well. Green is for
locations, blue is for characters, white is for details, and bright colors are plot points.
I’m thinking about adding pictures for the characters and maybe some of the locations.

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NaNoWriMo: Preparation

Posted October 25, 2014 in Writing / 0 Comments

Here goes. Just a week from the beginning of November or the-Month-of-Insane-and-Crazy-Writing-known-as-NaNoWriMo. I should be plotting or outlining or worldbuilding or storyboarding or something besides writing this blog post. And yet here I am.

I have this problem with prepping for NaNoWriMo… I don’t really prep anything for the actual novel part. I know, I know, that just sounds wrong. But that is how I work. Anyway, on to what I do prep…

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