Posted June 26, 2019 in Life / 3 Comments
There are a LOT of planner layout options. What do you pick? Monthly? Weekly? Daily? Hourly? Horizontal? Vertical? Which one is best?
This question very quickly gets personal. Everyone has a planner layout that will work best for them. It really will depend most upon your own needs in a planner.
But stick with me, I’m going to go over some common planner layouts.
As a note, I will be using planner layouts from Plum Paper to discuss the various layouts. Plum Paper has the most options for planner layouts that I have found and all are customizable. If you would like to receive and email with a 10% Plum Paper discount link on a purchase of $30 or more, please scroll to the bottom of this post to enter your email address.
First up is the monthly layout. This layout is typically included in all the other layouts but can also be just by itself. This layout is great for people who don’t need full weekly or daily layouts and only have one or two things to record for each day.
Personally, I use this layout within my weekly planner to record important dates I need to remember like birthdays, anniversaries, special feast days, and important appointments.
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Tagged as Planner
Posted June 19, 2019 in Life / 0 Comments
July is typically the month where I start a new planner. I know most people start in January or maybe August if they are a student. Well, I start in July.
So why did I pick July?
There are a few reasons I picked July over January or August. First, I have been in the academic world since kindergarten and so academic year planners make perfect sense to me. I also hated the one year I did not use an academic year planner and had to worry about changing planners while also worrying about Christmas. That did not work for me.
So then I have the decision between the summer months: August (what most people choose), July (why I chose), and June.
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Tagged as Planner
Posted October 6, 2016 in Life / 6 Comments
Note: I debated writing and posting this for some time. It can be very hard to openly speak of mental illness, particularly when the people in my life don’t always acknowledge that mine even exists. Please remember this is only my own experiences and my own opinions. I am not a doctor nor any type of health professional. I am only a crazy, young woman who likes to pray and read books.

My first post on my mental illness has been my most visited post since I published it. I hope that it has been able to help some people and I hope that this post can do the same.
As those of your who follow my blog already know, I am currently taking online grad school classes as I work towards my Master’s degree. Anyone in grad school can tell you that this is super-stressful. I feel that I am especially affected thanks to my high-functioning depression and anxiety. Grad school makes me crazy busy and, every day, I question my sanity on pursuing higher education.
Anyway, here are five things I do to deal with my high-functioning depression and anxiety during grad school. These are probably applicable to anyone that is in grad school or even college, but I can only speak for myself on that matter.
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Tagged as Anxiety, Depression, Planner, School