Posted October 5, 2016 in Faith, Life / 0 Comments

I did not mean to wait this long between my last World Youth Day post and this one, but grad school kind of got in the way. Anyhow, I’m writing this now.
Our plane from New York City landed in Prague, Czech Republic around 11am Czech time (this means 3am Mountain Time) and we were all exhausted. I have so much trouble sleeping on planes that I barely got any rest on the transatlantic flight and now we were off again.

The Charles Bridge in Prague, Czech Republic.
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Tagged as Catholic, World Youth Day
Posted September 19, 2016 in Reading, Review / 0 Comments
Riley Unlikely by
Riley Banks-Snyder Publisher: Zondervan (2016 - September 22)
eARC (176 pages)
Via: NetGalley Rating: Reading Challenges: Read 2016 Synopsis
Riley Unlikely is the inspiring story of Riley Banks, who first traveled to Kenya at age 13, and has been back every year since bringing backpacks of school supplies and hygiene kits for young girls, developing relationships and friendships, and is currently, as a young millennial, raising money to build a complete learning complex in Kibwezi, Kenya for those who have nothing.
At age sixteen Riley learned that, because of a rare medical condition, she would never be able to have her own children. Devastating news to most young women, especially those who love children and have always dreamed of having their own family. But Riley’s response was: Kenya has given me a thousand children.
Riley’s stories of her trips to Kenya, her struggles to figure out how to best serve and care for these people she has fallen in love with, and her own unexpected health issues are funny, compelling and gripping. Readers will find that God writes surprising stories in the lives of those who follow Him. Hard to put down, Riley Unlikely will inspire you to pursue your dreams and make a difference in your own world—and around the world.
Find the book: Goodreads, Amazon, Book Depository
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Tagged as 5 star, Read 2016, World Youth Day
Posted September 5, 2016 in Life, Reading / 4 Comments

Things that Happened in August
- I arrived home after World Youth Day! It was an amazing experience but it is always good to come home.
- After arriving home, I read five books in four days. I hadn’t read any novels in the three weeks I was gone and I must have been making up for lost time.
- The weather here is kind of crazy. It is really smoky with all the forest fires around. Some days I won’t even open the windows because the smoke is hanging so thick in the air.
- School started for my students last week. It is good to be back, even if it is completely crazy (as the beginning of every school year is).
- My grad classes started a week ago. I am a bit overwhelmed right not and it is strange to think of myself as a student again. It has been quite a few years.
My Favorite Book of August

Rebel of the Sands by Alwyn Hamilton
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Tagged as Catholic, School, World Youth Day
Posted August 17, 2016 in Faith, Life / 2 Comments

I have returned! (I am sure you already knew this though from Twitter and what not, but I am back!)
I have had some crazy adventures this summer. This fun one, World Youth Day 2016, all began with a terrible airport experience. First, our group was too large to check everyone in properly.
Second, they had to delete “notes” on our reservation in order to check us in. This means that my gluten-free meal request was CANCELLED! I was not exactly happy with this because this means that I would be without food (except for the snacks I brought with me) on the trans-Atlantic flight from New York City to Prague, Czech Republic.
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Tagged as Catholic, World Youth Day
Posted July 17, 2016 in Faith / 2 Comments
In case you have missed it, I’m going to World Youth Day in Krakow, Poland! I am super excited about this (and also a bit nervous because of celiac).
Anyway, I can’t guarantee internet access and will likely disappear from everything for a few weeks. I have some reviews scheduled while I am gone and that is about it.
I will definitely share my trip when I return in August.
Please keep me in your prayers and let me know if there is anything you would like me to pray for while I am on pilgrimage.

Tagged as Catholic, World Youth Day