Now Christmas is Almost Here: Happy Fourth Sunday of Advent

Posted December 21, 2014 in Faith / 0 Comments

It is hard to believe that it is almost Christmas already! It is the 21st of December, only a little over a week from the next year, the new year. This year it seems that Advent has passed so much faster than last year. I feel that I am barely prepared for Christmas.

  1. I have not yet found my Advent wreath. Last year I was driving cross-country during the middle of Advent and never pulled it out. This year, I can’t find it anywhere. It was in a box when I graduated from college in Wisconsin. Where it is now, I’m not entirely sure. Hopefully I’ll find it before next year.
  2. I never sent out Christmas cards. On Friday I finally sent out seven handwritten letters, basically just updates because I have been neglecting to write for so long.
  3. I have not yet decided what I want to make that I can actually eat for Christmas. Food allergies make this a bit more complicated than it usually would be. Not one of the highest priorities, but one I do need to get to… eventually.

In other ways, I am prepared. Barely prepared, I might add, but at least a little bit.

  1. There was a Penance service at my parish last Thursday.
  2. I made it though the last week of school without getting too fed up with some of my students. The last week before break is always the hardest.
  3. I have presents for the three people I actually worry about buying presents for: my mom, my dad, and my sister.
  4. The above mentioned presents are wrapped (as of yesterday) and down by the tree (since it is hard to fit stuff under it).

I hope that your holiday preparations are going well and you are all prepared for Christmas. I know that I am rather glad there are two weeks off school, I know I needed it.

I love the Christmas holidays. They are some of my favorite of the year. For example, some of my favorite holidays this time of the year: Immaculate Conception, Our Lady of Guadalupe, Saint Lucy, Christmas, the Holy Family, the Holy Innocents, Mary the Mother of God, and Epiphany.

Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas to all of you.


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