Series: His Fair Assassin #3
Publisher: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (2014)
Hardcover (444 pages)
Via: Library
Also by this author: Grave Mercy, Dark Triumph
Also in this series: Grave Mercy, Dark Triumph
Reading Challenges: 2015 Finishing the Series, Read 2015
Annith has watched her gifted sisters at the convent come and go, carrying out their dark dealings in the name of St. Mortain, patiently awaiting her own turn to serve Death. But her worst fears are realized when she discovers she is being groomed by the abbess as a Seeress, to be forever sequestered in the rock and stone womb of the convent. Feeling sorely betrayed, Annith decides to strike out on her own.
She has spent her whole life training to be an assassin. Just because the convent has changed its mind doesn’t mean she has.
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My Review
This was my favorite of the His Fair Assassin trilogy. It was such a good book. Mortal Heart earned a place on my All Time Favorites list.
Annith is amazing. She is so real, so relatable. All her life annith has been trained to be the most obedient and biddable novice. She has trained to be the best in everything and to follow orders without question.
When Annith discovers that she is to be the convent’s next seeress, she rebels. That is not the life she wants, the life she has trained for. Determined to never be the seeress, Annith flees the convent in search of answers and the abbess.
Annith’s journey is complicated somewhat by hellequin, followers of Arduinna, and the French troops. Annith will need to reach the abbess to find that answers that she seeks. Some secrets are harder to live with than others, something Annith may discover herself.
In this book we were able to see Ismae and Duval as well as Sybella and Beast. They are both great couples. While they weren’t the focus of the novel, it was nice to see them again.
Balthazaar is Annith’s love interest. You knew there had to be one. He is very interesting. Annith meets him under mysterious circumstances. He keeps himself to the shadows, making it difficult for anyone to get to know him. He is pretty awesome and I approve.
I don’t know how else to talk about this novel without spoilers and so I fear I can’t say anything more. You should just go read it. It is amazing.
Catholic Connections
*Spoiler Alert*
In order to analyze the text and make these connections, there may be some spoilers.
Please do not continue reading unless you have already read the book
or you don’t mind if you read some spoilers.
*Spoiler Alert*
Redemption is a recurring theme in this novel. There is the redemption of the hellequin, forced to lead wayward souls to the Underworld in atonement for their own sins. There is the redemption of the abbess who lied and killed so that she could protect her daughter. There is the redemption of Balthazaar himself who had almost given up hope.
Which Reading Challenges?
- You Read How Many Books? Reading Challenge
- Finishing the Series Challenge
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