If you are a frequent visitor you may have noticed that the blog has been a bit sparse lately. I have to say that this will continue for the rest of the summer as well. Since it is summer, I have a crazy amount of things to do. I went on a trip to visit family in Wisconsin and now I’m off to summer camp as a counsellor. The summer camp I am going to has very limited cell service. By very limited I mean one bar of 1x service. No 3G. No 4G LTE. It is barely enough service for a text and not near enough for a call. There is also no wifi. This means that all of the posts until the middle of August are scheduled posts. I will tell you more about the camp when I get back in August. I hope you all have a wonderful summer!
That sounds like fun! Enjoy your summer in the great outdoors. I think a little break from the wide, wide world of the Internet is a good thing.
And kudos to you for planning and scheduling all that content out.
Ardelia recently posted…Series Lovers: Here Are 12 Awesome Book Series to Read
Thanks! A break from the internet might be a great thing now.
As for the scheduled content, it is mainly reviews that I spent two weeks getting ready to go.
I hope you have a great summer!
Sounds like you’ll have a great time! See you in August!
By the way, I have nominated you for the Blogger Recognition Award! You really deserve it!
Lauren recently posted…Blogger Recognition Award
Thank you!
The summer was pretty great. I will be posting soon with more about it and pictures as well.
I hope your summer has been awesome and continues to be awesome!