{SQT} I’m Back from Camp!

Posted August 14, 2015 in Faith, Reading / 0 Comments

Seven Quick Takes

Seven Quick Takes is a weekly link-up hosted by This Ain’t The Lyceum.


I have returned from summer camp. I was there for just over six weeks as a counselor. It was a lot of work but also a lot of fun, most of the time. I have a lot of pictures that I would love to share with all of you but I haven’t had a chance to get the editing done yet. That is one of my goals for the coming week.


The camp that I was working at was a Catholic summer camp for my diocese. We started each week of campers out with Mass on Sunday, had Eucharistic Adoration and Mass on Wednesday as well as the opportunity for Reconciliation/Confession, and had a short prayer service before sending them home on Friday.


My favorite weeks of camp were the girl weeks. We had two of them. One with 7th-8th grade girls and one with 5th-6th grade girls. Those were the weeks that I had the most fun and felt like I was impacting the lives of the girls in my small group.


As can be told from my June and July wrap-up post, I didn’t have a whole lot of time for reading. I am used to having at least 8 hours of sleep every night. That didn’t happen during camp and so, naturally, I would not have as much reading time. The books I did choose to read during camp were my more religiously themed books that I had been meaning to read/reread: And You Are Christ’s, Introduction to the Devout LifeSponsa ChristiThe Courage to be Chaste, An Introduction to the Vocation of Consecrated Virginity Lived in the World, and Walking with Jesus.


I am happy to be back in my own house with my own bed. Much as I enjoyed camp, my bed was one of the most welcome things. My mattress is way better than the camp mattress. I was also extremely glad to have a shower with adequate water pressure again. I was getting really tired of the drip shower.


I also have access to the wonderful world of the internet again. The break from the outside world was much needed but I am glad to have it back again.


I, sadly, did not write as much in my journal as I wanted to this summer. I’m pretty sure that sleep deprivation and lack of time are the main reasons for that. It is a bit hard to find the time to journal between teaching campers new games, leading crafty things, and taking mountain hikes.

This is basically the wrap-up of my summer. I will be posting a bit more about camp once I get the pictures edited. I am, admittedly, only human and as such I only have so many hours in a day in which to accomplish anything. I hope you all had a wonderful summer. I know I have just under two weeks until the students start showing up for school. 🙂


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