Happy Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God!
So I’m going to break all of the rules again, just like last week. If you aren’t Catholic, then you probably don’t realize that one week after Christmas (today) is another really important day. Today is the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God. In the Catholic Church, today is a Holy Day of Obligation (like Christmas) where Catholics are obliged to go to Mass. I love this feast day so much and I wanted to share it with all of you. Last year, I wrote a little post about the Hail Mary, this year I want to share some quotes from one of my favorite books.
From Hail, Holy Queen by Scott Hahn:
I sat on the bed, then dropped to my knees and prayed an apology to Jesus.
I felt I’d let Him down by letting His mother down. I felt as if I’d run
with the ball to the one-yard line, only to fumble short of the goal.
I said, “I’m sorry, Lord, for my weakness and failure.” I prayed a Hail Mary.
~page 156~
If you could have created your mother and preserved
her from original sin, would you? … Of course you would!
But could you? No, you couldn’t! But Jesus could and so Jesus did!
~pages 158-159~
As the Mother of God, Mary is the mother par excellence. So, as all mothers are elusive, she will be more so. As all mother give of themselves, she will give more. As all mothers point beyond themselves, Mary will to a much greater degree.
~page 16~
A true mother, she is usually protrayed pointing to her son but looking
out toward the viewers, her other children. She mothers her infant –
for an infact cannot hold himself up – even as she mothers her
children in the world and draws us together to Him.
~page 28~
Whatever made the ark holy made Mary even holier. If the first ark
contained the Word of God in stone, Mary’s body contained the Word of God enfleshed. If the first ark contained miraculous bread from heaven, Mary’s body contained the very Bread of Life that conquered death forever. If the first ark contained the rod of the long-ago ancestral priest, Mary’s body contained the divine person of the eternal priest, Jesus Christ.
~pages 60-61~
If any of these quotes struck you at all, I would highly recommend Hail, Holy Queen by Scott Hahn. It is an amazing book to read and one that I probably should be re-reading soon.
I'm linking up with the Friday 56, so I'll invite you to go grab a book and join the fun.
The Friday 56 is a weekly meme hosted by Freda's Voice.
- Grab a book, any book.
- Turn to page 56 (or 56% on ebook).
- Find any sentence that grabs you.
- Post it.
- Link it at Freda's Voice.
I don’t remember this being done at my church ever which is weird. Maybe I’ve just forgotten? I love Mary and wish she was celebrated more though so this was a nice treat today. I’ll have to look up the book to see if it’s in my library. Thanks for the recommendation! Happy New Year by the way (:
I hope your library has the book. Happy New Year to you as well! Thanks for dropping by.
Very interesting quotes.
I like the art selection for the cover.
Check out my Friday 56 (With Book Beginnings).
Thank you. I hope you have a wonderful 2016!
Fantastic snippets! I love the cover too!
Happy new year and happy weekend!
Thanks for visiting. I hope you have a great New Year!