Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly link-up hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.
This week’s list is a freebie. I picked the Top Ten Books I Own That I’m Looking Forward to Reading. I have quite a few more that could have made this list but I tried to keep it at just ten.

1. The Isle of the Lost by Melissa de la Cruz
I saw this one at Barnes & Noble over the weekend and could not resist picking it up. It sounds like it is going to be awesome. Who wouldn’t want to read about the children of Disney villans??
2. The Winner’s Crime by Marie Rutkoski
I finally acquired this book and it looks great. I love the cover and cannot wait to read it.
3. Winterspell by Claire Legrand
I picked this one up at a used book store. I couldn’t resist a Nutcracker retelling!
4. The Darkest Part of the Forest by Holly Black
This looks like a great book and I have a copy on my shelves so I should really get to it.
5. Throne of Glass by Sarah J Maas
I finally broke down and bought this book since the local library doesn’t have a copy.
6. Earthbound by Aprilynne Pike
I received this for my birthday from my little sister. I can’t wait to read it. It sounds so interesting.
7. Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
I know, I know. I’m a bad bookworm. I haven’t read this yet. I have seen almost every tv/movie adaptation but I haven’t read the book yet.
8. The Book Thief by Markus Zusak
I found this one at the local library used book sale. It looks brand new and I have heard so many great things about it.
9. The Two Towers by J R R Tolkien
I found a boxed set of The Lord of the Rings at Costco a while back. I really should continue reading the series.
10. Son by Lois Lowry
I just got this book. I probably need to reread Gathering Blue and Messenger before I read this one though.
These are the Top Ten Books I Own That I’m Looking Forward to Reading. Feel free to share yours as well and check out the rest of them at The Broke and the Bookish.
There’s some great ones on this list you haven’t read yet! Pride and Prejudice, The Two Towers (the whole trilogy really) and The Book Thief are some of my favorites!
Lois recently posted…Top Ten Tuesday- Freebie
I can’t wait to get to some of them and I can’t believe I put some of these off so long (like Pride and Prejudice).
Thanks for stopping by!
Amanda you’ve got so many fantastic books on your TBR, I absolutely love so many of those Authors including Melissa de la Cruz, Aprilynne Pike, Sarah J Maas and Holly Black…all fantastic Authors!
The Book Thief though is just wonderful, you should read that first, it’s like a modern day classic, you know in years to come it’ll still be around, it was just such a well written book.
My Top Ten Tuesday
Angelica @ Paperback Princess recently posted…Top Ten Tuesday ~ Wild & Wacky (Book Related)
Thanks. I’m really looking forward to so many of these.
Thanks for visiting!
Throne of Glass and The Darkest Part of the Forest are really good! I hope you get to read them soon!!
Stefani @ Caught Read Handed recently posted…Top Ten Tuesday – Freebie: Doctor Who Quotes!
That is my hope as well. I have heard wonderful things about both.
Thanks for stopping by!
Throne of Glass, Two Towers, The Book Thief, and Pride and Prejudice are great and I hope you enjoy them! I’m looking forward to first book of the Winner’s Curse series.
Check out my TTT.
The Winner’s Curse is great. I hope you enjoy it.
Thanks for visiting!
I love Pride and Prejudice. I found that I understood it better the second time I read it (in grad school vs a sophomore in high school).
I just finished the LOTR series. OMG! You have to keep reading it. It’s incredible! The characters are amazing! However, the books did make me utterly disappointed in the movies (which I used to love. I still like them, but they’re just not as awesome as they were). And I now have a huge crush on Faramir. He’s way cooler in the books.
Ardelia recently posted…Similes, Metaphors, and Personification: Which One is Which?
I’ve actually never seen the Lord of the Rings movies. I must be some strange sort of rebel that way. They were just never a big deal in my house. I loved the Fellowship of the Ring so I’m excited for the Two Towers.
Thanks for stopping by!
Nice list! I’ve read THE DARKEST PART OF THE FOREST, THE BOOK THIEF, and SON. Although the Giver books all stand alone, I read them in order, which was a good idea, I think. I also really want to read WINTERSPELL, THE ISLE OF THE LOST, and EARTHBOUND.
Thanks for stopping by my TTT!
Susan (Bloggin’ ’bout Books) recently posted…TTT: Heading Back to School … Wait, What?
I love the other Giver books and can’t wait for Son.
Thanks for visiting!
The Book Thief is one of my personal favourites, I hope you like it. Throne of Glass is great too, but it’s definitely a series that gets better with each book, so don’t worry if you don’t love the first one because the second and third are amazing.
JJ recently posted…Wishlist Wednesdays #6
I’m hoping I like all of these. I have heard wonderful things about most of them.
Thanks for stopping by!
Throne of Glass and the Book Thief! Both were amazing, so I hope you enjoy!
Thank you. I hope I do, too!