This is the sequel to Green Rider that I featured last week. It continues about two years after Green Rider ended. Karigan is on yet more adventures and this book finds her learning more about the history of the Riders though unnatural means.
Green Rider is one of my all time favorite books of ever. I first found the book when I was in eight grade, I believe, at Waldenbooks before they all closed years ago. I read it so fast and fell in love. Later, in high school, I recommended it to my friend and she loved it as well. We have anxiously awaited each book in the series and bemoaned the multi-year wait (like 3-5 years!!!) between each book.
I reread this series every year because I adore it that much. It is a gloriously epic fantasy novel with amazing world-building, complex characters, and an excellent plot. Even rereading it, I keep turning the pages because I am so drawn into this world. This is definitely a fantasy world I would not be too sad to have to live in.
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Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly link-up hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.
This week’s list is the Top Ten Bookish Things I Want to Quit Or Have Quit. Therefore, I give you my Top Ten Bookish Issues That Have To Go!I seriously have some books at my house that I doubt I will ever read. I purchased them on a whim and I have to stop doing that. Seriously though, I –at times– buy too many books at once. This simply won’t do as it makes the TBR way too long.
Have you ever just checked exactly how many books are on your library hold list and been totally amazed? This happened more to me when I lived in Wisconsin but it still, occasionally, happens here in Montana as well. Suddenly I will have like fifty million holds and they will all come in at once!
When you lend a book and it comes back wrinkled, that is one of the worst things ever! I should just stop lending books. My books are my precious books. I love them and everyone else should keep their fingers to their own books (unless you’re my sister and then I might let you borrow if you beg nicely).
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Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly link-up hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.
This week’s list is the Top Ten Books on Fall TBR. I decided to just call them my Fall reads. I hope I get to most of them.
Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly link-up hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.
This week’s list is Top Ten Auto-Buy Authors. I don’t really have very many auto-buy authors. I tend to read the back cover so I at least have an idea of what I’m buying. I don’t always like everything an author writes. However, these are some exceptions to that rule.