Posted February 17, 2016 in Let's Discuss, Reading / 4 Comments

This discussion is part of the optional monthly discussions for the Royal Challenge hosted by She’s Got Books on Her Mind.
So, what makes a royal? If we’re going to be all literal, I would have to say that birth is what makes a royal. Royalty and royal blood is inherited in certain families and nothing can change that reality.
However, if we are going to talk about what makes a good royal, then I can list some traits. Let’s keep this in the literary realms and so I will endeavor to find a character for each trait I select.
1. Compassion
A good royal would display the trait of compassion. Compassion is important in a royal so that they can truly care about their people. When a royal looses compassion, they become a tyrant, thinking only of themselves. Compassion prevents a royal from becoming self-centered and egotistical.
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Tagged as Royal Discussion
Posted May 31, 2015 in Faith, Reading / 4 Comments
Tagged as Alphabet Soup Reading Challenge, Birthday Month Reading Challenge, Catholic, Catholic Book, Color Coded Challenge, Finishing the Series Challenge, Monthly Wrap-Up, Mythology Reading Challenge, Polish, Read 2015, Rereading Challenge, School, What's In a Name Reading Challenge, You Read How Many Books Challenge
Posted May 6, 2015 in Reading, Review / 0 Comments
Tortall and Other Lands by
Tamora Pierce Series: Tortall Publisher: Bluefire (2010)
Paperback (369 pages)
Via: Library Rating: Reading Challenges: Read 2015 Synopsis
Alanna the knight, Numair the mage, Daine the wolf-speaker and more! Favorite and unfamiliar characters in 11 tales, including three brand new stories!
Collected here for the first time are six tales from the land of Tortall, featuring both previously unknown characters as well as old friends. Filling some gaps of time and interest, these stories, some of which have been published before, will lead Tammy’s fans, and new readers into one of the most intricately constructed worlds of modern fantasy. Also included are four other fantasy stories . . . one set in a remote desert, two in an unknown town, and one set in a very familiar locale: New York City, in the present day. Also, as a bonus, there is a non-fantasy story set in contemporary Idaho that proves that Pierce’s ability to spin a tale is not limited to realms of dragons and magic.
Find the book: Goodreads
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Tagged as 4 star, Library, Read 2015, You Read How Many Books Challenge
Posted April 30, 2015 in Faith, Reading / 2 Comments
Tagged as Alphabet Soup Reading Challenge, Birthday Month Reading Challenge, Catholic, Catholic Book, Easter, Fairy Tales, Fairytale Retelling Challenge, Monthly Wrap-Up, Rereading Challenge, Saints, School, Sister, What's In a Name Reading Challenge, You Read How Many Books Challenge
Posted April 28, 2015 in Reading / 18 Comments
Tagged as Top Ten Tuesday