Posted June 13, 2019 in Faith, Life / 0 Comments
It has been way too long since I have really posted on this blog and so this post is going to be an update.
I have been in Oregon for a year working as Faith Formation Director in a parish. It has been a fun challenge. I loved the work I was doing but it was not a good fit for me. Much as I wanted to love everything about where I was, I couldn’t. And so I’m moving back to Montana.
In May I finished the last of my graduate school classes. I just have to pass a comprehensive exam the end of this summer and I will officially be able to add MA after my name. That is, provided I pass the test…
In this past year I have had some ups and some downs. At times I was tempted to focus on those downs as they always seem more prevalent than the ups. This is human nature where we often tend to focus on what when wrong and ignore the fact that so many things went right.
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Tagged as Catholic, Montana, School
Posted November 24, 2015 in Faith, Life, Reading / 16 Comments

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly link-up hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.
This week’s list has a Thanksgiving theme. That leaves things rather open-ended and so I have decided to go with the things I am thankful for this Thanksgiving. I know that it isn’t bookish but that’s okay with me. Also, there are only 9 but that’s just the way it is going to be.
1. My Family
I love my family to pieces. My sister is going to be coming home tomorrow and will stay through Thanksgiving weekend. It is going to be great. I am praying though that the roads won’t be too bad. It doesn’t look so good now… 
2. My Faith
My faith is super important to me. You might have noticed that from my blog url. I’m not ashamed of my faith nor am I going to hide it. Sure, I don’t always post about it. Actually, I have realized that I don’t post about my faith much at all. Maybe I should get a few more Catholic-y posts in the making. 
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Tagged as Catholic, Family, Montana, Religious Education, School, Sister, Thanksgiving, Top Ten Tuesday
Posted August 25, 2015 in Faith, Life / 0 Comments
I survived camp! This summer I worked at a Catholic summer camp. I had an absolute blast and yet at times I was extremely exhausted and down. Such is the life of a camp counselor. There are good days and there are bad days. I’m going to share some of the good with you.

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Tagged as Mary, Montana, Summer, Summer Camp
Posted May 29, 2015 in Life / 0 Comments

Seven Quick Takes is a weekly link-up hosted by This Ain’t The Lyceum.
Only four more days left in the school year! I highly doubt much will happen next week learning-wise. We have class picnics, awards ceremonies, and an early out the last day. Not to mention that grades have to be entered by the end of the day on Monday so the rest of the week really doesn’t count. Hopefully it will be an easy week.
I am getting sick of the rain. Sure, I know we need it, bad. Still, I just wait it would hold off until I was home before it begins pouring. At least it will be nice and green out for a bit.
For Memorial Weekend I had the house to myself. Well, it was the cat and I. It was a nice weekend to read and clean in relative silence. I needed that.
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Tagged as Essential Oils, Library, Montana, School, Seven Quick Takes, World Youth Day