Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly link-up hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.
This week’s list is the Top Ten Inspiring Quotes from Books. I haven’t gotten into the habit of copying down quotes. I really want to but I’m not quite there yet. So, the following quotes are either from books I have read recently or books I have read multiple times and am very familiar with. And they might not all be “inspiring.”
1. from A Little Princess by Frances Hodgson Burnett
“Yes,” answered Sara, nodding. “Adversity tries people,
and mine has tried you and proved how nice you are.”
I love this book and I love this quote by Sara.
2. from Sunlight and Shadow by Cameron Dokey
Darkness may cover light, but that is not the same as putting it out.
Whereas to overcome darkness, all light need do is exist.
This line has stayed with me since I first read this book a couple of years ago. <3
3. from Seven Revolutions by Mike Aquilina and James Papandrea
Gone are the days when it was fashionable, or even acceptable, to be a Christian. … Those who embrace the values of their faith in a world where doing so is frowned upon are the ones who will witness by their very example. And people will see that they are willing to risk the comforts of conformity for the sake of something bigger – a life bigger than life – the Kingdom of God.
This is an awesomely inspiring quote. I love it so much and it makes me want to go do something.
4. from The Girl Death Left Behind by Lurlene McDaniel
While the two of them might never be the closest of friends, they had developed a connection that was important for each of them. When they’d needed someone, they’d found one another.
Friendship is quite important and this book gets at that here.
5. from Spelled by Betsy Schow
That’s the thing about love: the best kind isn’t easy or instant,
and you often get roughed up a bit on the way.
I like this quote because it isn’t insta-love.
6. from Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by J K Rowling
Do not pity the dead, Harry. Pity the living, and,
above all, those who live without love.
This list could not be complete without a Harry Potter quote. This was one of the quotes that made it in one of my university papers on eschatology in the death of Harry Potter. It was epic.
7. from Anne of Green Gables by L M Montgomery
“God’s in his heaven, all’s right with the world,” whispered Anne softly.
I know this quote comes up a few times in the book but I love it here when it is the last line in the book.
8. from Green Rider by Kristen Britain
She realized, as she spoke, she had made the only choice she could possibly have made, and that none of the alternatives would have made sense to her then, or ever. In relating her experiences to the king she also learned she did not have to carry the burden of those choices by herself.
So, I love this book, majorly love it. I also think that Karigan is really awesome so any time she is chatting with King Zachary is fine by me.
9. from A College of Magics by Caroline Stevermer
Nothing in it [the world], be it never so fair, can ever be wholly good. Fortunately, the other side of the coin is that things cannot be wholly bad, either. Unless the balance fails.
I love this because it is the reminder that nothing is wholly good or bad. Everything is a combination of both extremes.
10. from Grave Mercy by Robin LaFevers
The immensity of it all surges through me, leaving me dizzy with my unexpected good fortune. This is my new life. My new home. The one I have prayed for ever since I was old enough to form words. A deep sense of gratitude fills me. I will make the most of this chance I have been given, I vow.
I just like this quote because Ismae is giving her new life a chance. It is a great mindset.
These are the Top Ten Inspiring Quotes from Books. Feel free to share yours as well and check out the rest of them at The Broke and the Bookish.
I’m loving reading the quotes others have shared. Yes, every list should include a Harry Potter quote. Yours is a good one and very true.
Kay recently posted…Kay’s Top 10 Most Inspiring Quotes From Books…a look back to the younger set because sometimes children’s books say it best!!
Thank you. I hope you have a great week.
Love the quotes here and so many are new to me. I love the quote from Anne but I really love the quote from Spelled. I haven’t read the book but I really should look it up. Thanks for sharing!
Katherine @ I Wish I Lived in a Library recently posted…Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Inspiring Book Quotes
Spelled comes out in June. It is a pretty good book.
Thanks for visiting.
I’ve only read three of these so far but these are fantastic quotes. You are absolutely right, it wouldn’t have been complete without a Harry Potter quote.
Lauren recently posted…Top Ten Tuesday: Inspiring Quotes From Books
I do love that quote a lot.
Thanks for stopping by!
Oh, how I love Grave Mercy! I love the HP quote you chose too. Nice selection.
Thank you. I’m just about done with Grave Mercy. It is so good!
That’s one of my favorite quotes from Harry Potter! For some reason that quote was what I thought of when my grandfather passed away.
Lois recently posted…Top Ten Inspiring Quotes from Books
I love the Harry Potter quote. It has helped me get through a few deaths as well.
Thanks for visiting!
Wonderful quotes. I love the one from Harry Potter.
Aj @ Read All The Things! recently posted…Top Ten Tuesday: Not-So-Inspiring Quotes
Thank you. I hope you have a great week.
I love the HP quote!! Also yay for a Grave Mercy quote, I am currently reading it and loving it.
Katie @ Polished Page-Turners recently posted…Top Ten Tuesday: April 14, 2015
I just finished Grave Mercy tonight. It was great. I hope you are still loving it.
Thanks for visiting!
I love the Harry Potter quote! The Grave Mercy quote is really powerful. I’m not familiar with the book, but I do love the sentiment!
Lisa @ Bookshelf Fantasies recently posted…Top Ten Tuesday: My top 10 memorable book quotes
Grave Mercy is a great book. This quote comes near the start of the book and really helps set the stage for everything that follows.
Thanks for stopping by.
Of course there’s a Harry Potter one, that’s pretty much a rule! I love your pretty quote boxes
Thanks for visiting Addlepates and Book Nerds!
Victoria recently posted…Burn, Rewrite or Reread
Thanks. It took me a while playing with CSS to get the boxes the way I wanted them.
I hope the rest of your week is wonderful.
Oh I just love Anne of Green Gables!
Kaitlyn A. recently posted…Waiting on Wednesday
I love it as well. I really need to reread it soon.
Thanks for visiting!
I’ve never read the book, but I love the quote from The Little Princess! It makes me want to read it. Nice to see a Harry Potter quote make it to your list too!
Thanks for stopping by my TTT.
Alex @ The Book Banner
Alex @ The Book Banner recently posted…Top Ten Tuesday: Inspirational Quotes from books
I love the Little Princess. There are so many great quotes in it. You would probably love it.
Thanks for stopping by!