Category: Faith

December 2014 Monthly Wrap-Up

Posted December 31, 2014 in Faith, Reading / 2 Comments

Since it is the end of another month, I have decided to do a monthly wrap-up post. Behold, my month in bulleted lists.

Things that Happened in December

Books I Read in December

the elitesnowthe miracle of lourdesmockingjay
time's edgean introduction to the vocation of consecrated virginity lived in the worldchastity is for lovers
esther: royal beautythe case for Christmassplinteredblood of a stone
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Merry Christmas!

Posted December 24, 2014 in Faith / 2 Comments

Merry Christmas to you!

My kitty says Merry Christmas, too!

I love, love, love, love, love Christmas. Christmas is the time to remember an Infant born into poverty, born to die to save us from our sins.

This Christmas I will remember that it was a tiny baby who held the hope of the whole world upon His shoulders. It was a tiny baby who, though born in a stable, is the Son of God, the Word made Flesh. It was a tiny baby who became man to save me from my sins. It is because of a tiny baby whom we know is the Savior of the World.

Imagine the great joy of the Blessed Virgin to hold a baby in her arms, a baby who is both her Son and the Son of God. Imagine the great love Saint Joseph felt for a baby born to his wife, a baby who is the Savior of the World. Imagine the great awe of the shepherds when the angels called to them, telling them of a child who is the Prince of Peace. Imagine the great reverence of the magi who traveled so far to bring gifts to the King of Kings.

Merry Christmas! I pray you all enjoy time with your family this holiday season.


I’ll leave you with a poem I wrote a few years ago for Christmas.

What Gift do You Bring to the Newborn King?

By: Amanda Marie

What gift do you offer to the King of kings?
What can you give Him that truly comes from you?
What do you lay before Him?
Can you give a gift of self to the newborn King?

Do you bring Him gold?
A gift beyond all price?
A precious faith that knows no end?
A gift of self to the newborn King?

Do you bring Him frankincense?
The rising incense of your prayers?
A hope that even this shall pass and better things shall come?
A gift of self to the newborn King?

Do you bring Him myrrh?
A precious spice for His burial?
A love than can conquer even death?
A gift of self to the newborn King?

Do you bring Him talents?
Special gifts He gave to you, given back for all the world?
Things that only you can do?
A gift of self to the newborn King?

What gift do you bring?
An expression of faith, hope, and love?
A gift that only you can give?
A gift of self to the newborn King?

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Review: The Miracle of Lourdes

Posted December 22, 2014 in Faith, Reading, Review / 0 Comments

Review: The Miracle of LourdesThe Miracle of Lourdes by John Lochran
Publisher: St Anthony Messenger Press (2008)
Paperback (131 pages)
Reading Challenges: Read 2014


To commemorate the 150th anniversary of the miracle of Lourdes, where Our Lady appeared to French schoolgirl Bernadette Soubirous, Father John Lochran retells the familiar story with deep insight and new appreciation. Lochran explores the history and meaning of the miraculous events in light of modern theology and spirituality and offers his own reflections on Lourdes, then and now. This armchair pilgrimage to one of the church's most beloved shrines will be a treasured keepsake for those who have never been to Lourdes and for those who have.

Find the book: Goodreads, Amazon, Book Depository

miracle-of-lourdes-quote Lourdes was once described to me as the Disney World of the Catholic chuch, as God's Magic Kingdom. I had to reply that it is th complete opposite. Disney World is a commerical enterprise where joy and pleasure is manufactured and paid for. Lourdes ia about generosity of spirit where true joy is found in giving time and loving service to the sick and those in need. It has nothing to do with magic or fairy tales and legends. It is founded on a reality, a remarkable reality, historical reality, and above all a sacred reality.

I received this book for my birthday when I was in high school. I love the stories Father Lochran tells of his time in Lourdes. I have not been to Lourdes but I would love to go. This book has really made me want to go even more.

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