Posted May 11, 2016 in Life, Reading / 10 Comments

What is the name you prefer to use?
I go by Amanda. I have never liked nicknames thanks to being bullied in grade school. *shudders* So I go by Amanda.
In the world of the internet, I go by Amanda Marie which is my first and middle names. I don’t use my last name for a few reasons, one of which is that no one can ever pronounce it correctly.
How long have you been a book blogger?
I have been blogging for just over a year and a half. I really enjoy it more than I thought I would.
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Tagged as Armchair BEA
Posted February 17, 2016 in Let's Discuss, Reading / 4 Comments

This discussion is part of the optional monthly discussions for the Royal Challenge hosted by She’s Got Books on Her Mind.
So, what makes a royal? If we’re going to be all literal, I would have to say that birth is what makes a royal. Royalty and royal blood is inherited in certain families and nothing can change that reality.
However, if we are going to talk about what makes a good royal, then I can list some traits. Let’s keep this in the literary realms and so I will endeavor to find a character for each trait I select.
1. Compassion
A good royal would display the trait of compassion. Compassion is important in a royal so that they can truly care about their people. When a royal looses compassion, they become a tyrant, thinking only of themselves. Compassion prevents a royal from becoming self-centered and egotistical.
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Tagged as Royal Discussion
Posted October 30, 2015 in Life, Reading / 8 Comments
Tagged as Color Coded Challenge, Fairy Tales, Monthly Wrap-Up, Pope Francis, Read 2015, School, You Read How Many Books Challenge
Posted October 24, 2015 in Life, Reading / 2 Comments

It is so hard to believe that I have reached my one year Blogversary! That is so crazy for me to say. One year ago I was just going to blog for me. I never thought I would have any readers, yet alone all of you. It has been a crazy year and I can hardly believe it.
To celebrate this crazy, beautiful, amazing year, I have decided to host a series of giveaways. The giveaways will all be Kindle ebooks since those are cheaper and I can send them internationally much easier.
Today’s theme is Looking Back.
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Tagged as Blogversary, Fairy Tales, Giveaway
Posted August 18, 2015 in Faith, Reading / 12 Comments

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly link-up hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.
This week’s list is Top Ten Auto-Buy Authors. I don’t really have very many auto-buy authors. I tend to read the back cover so I at least have an idea of what I’m buying. I don’t always like everything an author writes. However, these are some exceptions to that rule. 

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Tagged as Catholic, Catholic Book, Pope Francis, Top Ten Tuesday, Vocation