Posted September 27, 2015 in Faith / 0 Comments

Seven Quick Takes is a weekly link-up hosted by This Ain't The Lyceum.
It is absolutely crazy to realize that religious education starts this coming Wednesday. Usually we would have begun already, but the Director just had her baby so we held off starting. I have been working very hard to get the classroom all ready for the students. It is just about there.

First there is the west wall that starts the theme for my classroom this year: Divine Mercy. The small board on the left is based on the Divine Mercy image. I had a lot of fun getting that board ready.


The northern wall continues the theme of Divine Mercy. This is also the main wall of the classroom and the boards that I use most often. As you can see, I already have the Creed and the first two mysteries of the Rosary ready to go on Wednesday.
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Tagged as Catholic, Jesus, Mary, Religious Education, Saints, Seven Quick Takes
Posted August 30, 2015 in Life, Reading / 10 Comments
Tagged as Fairy Tales, Family, Monthly Wrap-Up, Pope Francis, Saints, School, Sister, Summer, Summer Camp
Posted August 10, 2015 in Faith, Reading / 4 Comments
Tagged as Consecrated Virginity, Fairy Tales, Monthly Wrap-Up, Pope Francis, Saints, School, Summer, Vocation
Posted April 30, 2015 in Faith, Reading / 2 Comments
Tagged as Alphabet Soup Reading Challenge, Birthday Month Reading Challenge, Catholic, Catholic Book, Easter, Fairy Tales, Fairytale Retelling Challenge, Monthly Wrap-Up, Rereading Challenge, Saints, School, Sister, What's In a Name Reading Challenge, You Read How Many Books Challenge
Posted April 22, 2015 in Faith, Reading, Review / 0 Comments
Story of a Soul by
St Therese of Lisieux Publisher: St Anthony Messenger Press (1896)
Audiobook {6 hours and 10 minutes} (306 pages)
Rating: Reading Challenges: 2015 Re-Reading,
Read 2015 Synopsis
Sharing memories from early childhood through her life as a Carmelite nun, Therese opens her heart to us. This bride of Christ reveals her passion and longing for union with God. Her simplicity is charming and we begin to believe that we can travel the path to salvation that she points out to us.
Find the book: Goodreads
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Tagged as 5 star, Catholic, Catholic Book, Catholic Connections, Read 2015, Rereading Challenge, Saints, You Read How Many Books Challenge