Posted May 12, 2016 in Let's Discuss, Reading / 2 Comments

To be completely honest, I almost always judge books by their covers. If a book has a gorgeous cover, I am much more apt to read the synopsis. I just love pretty covers.
I love it when the covers in a series match. Often paperbacks get cover redesigns. If this is the case, I always want my covers to match and I will track down the cover I want. If that isn’t possible, I won’t make the biggest fuss. The story inside is more important than the cover.

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Tagged as Armchair BEA
Posted April 12, 2016 in Reading / 2 Comments
Tagged as Top Ten Tuesday
Posted February 17, 2016 in Let's Discuss, Reading / 4 Comments

This discussion is part of the optional monthly discussions for the Royal Challenge hosted by She’s Got Books on Her Mind.
So, what makes a royal? If we’re going to be all literal, I would have to say that birth is what makes a royal. Royalty and royal blood is inherited in certain families and nothing can change that reality.
However, if we are going to talk about what makes a good royal, then I can list some traits. Let’s keep this in the literary realms and so I will endeavor to find a character for each trait I select.
1. Compassion
A good royal would display the trait of compassion. Compassion is important in a royal so that they can truly care about their people. When a royal looses compassion, they become a tyrant, thinking only of themselves. Compassion prevents a royal from becoming self-centered and egotistical.
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Tagged as Royal Discussion
Posted February 16, 2016 in Reading / 2 Comments

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly link-up hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.
The theme this week is Books and Music. I really don’t listen to a whole lot of music, so this might be a bit hard. Typically, I only put music on when I am driving across town (5 minutes). Anything longer than that will be at least one hour and forty minutes since I live in Montana and things are so spread out. Longer drive warrant an audiobook.
I guess this means that this week I am going to give you some books (more like three) I think should have songs/ballads written about them. If there actually are songs written about any of these books, I am most likely completely oblivious to that fact. Please let me know in the comments.

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Tagged as Top Ten Tuesday
Posted December 31, 2015 in Life, Reading / 10 Comments
Big Things That Happened in 2015
- I mentioned the school talent show in which the teachers sang Yellow Submarine.
- I worked at a Catholic summer camp for the summer and had a blast. I wrote about it and shared some pictures.
- I survived over a week of blinding smoke due to forest fires. It was insane. I talked about that here.
- I had my very first ever Blogversary which was exciting.
Analysis of Books I Read in 2015
This was the very first year that I ever kept track of the books that I read. My stats have amazed me.
- I read 141 books.
- Almost all of the books I read this year were 4 or 5 stars. I must be pretty good at choosing books I know I’ll enjoy.
- Over two-thirds of the books I read this year were from the library or books I own.
- Over half of the books I read this year were hard copied (Paperback or Hardcover) while over a quarter were ebooks. Audiobooks made up the rest.
- About a quarter of the books I read this year were debuts.
I made some pretty nifty looking pie charts in Excel (you can just pretend they are totally awesome).

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Tagged as Alphabet Soup Reading Challenge, Birthday Month Reading Challenge, Catholic Book, Color Coded Challenge, Fairytale Retelling Challenge, Finishing the Series Challenge, Mythology Reading Challenge, Pope Benedict XVI, Pope Francis, Read 2015, Rereading Challenge, What's In a Name Reading Challenge, You Read How Many Books Challenge