Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly link-up hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.
This week’s list is the Top Ten Books on Fall TBR. I decided to just call them my Fall reads. I hope I get to most of them.

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly link-up hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.
This week’s list is the Top Ten Books on Fall TBR. I decided to just call them my Fall reads. I hope I get to most of them.
As I had mentioned previously, I decided to enter the Books ‘n’ Bloggers Swap that just happened. I was so excited when I got my boxes in the mail from Sofi @ The Rainbow Bookshelf. I am so very happy that she was my partner as she got me some pretty awesome books and stuff.
Since it is the end of another month, I have decided to do a monthly wrap-up post. Behold, my month in bulleted lists.
The Friday 56 is a weekly meme hosted by Freda’s Voice.
Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly link-up hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.
This week’s list is the Top Ten Books on my Christmas Wish List.