Posted August 30, 2015 in Life, Reading / 10 Comments
Tagged as Fairy Tales, Family, Monthly Wrap-Up, Pope Francis, Saints, School, Sister, Summer, Summer Camp
Posted August 26, 2015 in Life, Reading / 12 Comments

Tomorrow is the first day of school for students in my school district. It is the first day that students will be in the building. It is crazy to think that it is already the end of August! The summer went by so fast, especially with camp being part of my summer. To commemorate this wonderful going back to school, or at least to make it slightly better if you typically don’t like it, I have decided to host a giveaway.
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Tagged as Fall, Giveaway, School, Summer, Summer Camp
Posted August 25, 2015 in Faith, Life / 0 Comments
I survived camp! This summer I worked at a Catholic summer camp. I had an absolute blast and yet at times I was extremely exhausted and down. Such is the life of a camp counselor. There are good days and there are bad days. I’m going to share some of the good with you.

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Tagged as Mary, Montana, Summer, Summer Camp
Posted August 14, 2015 in Faith, Reading / 0 Comments

Seven Quick Takes is a weekly link-up hosted by This Ain’t The Lyceum.
I have returned from summer camp. I was there for just over six weeks as a counselor. It was a lot of work but also a lot of fun, most of the time. I have a lot of pictures that I would love to share with all of you but I haven’t had a chance to get the editing done yet. That is one of my goals for the coming week.
The camp that I was working at was a Catholic summer camp for my diocese. We started each week of campers out with Mass on Sunday, had Eucharistic Adoration and Mass on Wednesday as well as the opportunity for Reconciliation/Confession, and had a short prayer service before sending them home on Friday.
My favorite weeks of camp were the girl weeks. We had two of them. One with 7th-8th grade girls and one with 5th-6th grade girls. Those were the weeks that I had the most fun and felt like I was impacting the lives of the girls in my small group.
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Tagged as Catholic, Catholic Book, Consecrated Virginity, Summer, Vocation
Posted August 10, 2015 in Faith, Reading / 4 Comments
Tagged as Consecrated Virginity, Fairy Tales, Monthly Wrap-Up, Pope Francis, Saints, School, Summer, Vocation