My 2015 Reading Challenges can be found here.
Last Updated: 1 January 2017
It is that time of the year again when I have to start deciding which reading challenges I am choosing to participate in. Here goes. I will update as necessary throughout the year. The challenges are listed in the order I found them/decided that I would participate. Let me know if you plan to join me for any of these.
1. Annual Goodreads Challenge
This year I am again going to set my goal to 100 books. I will most likely reach this early just like I did in 2015. I always anticipate success with this challenge.
2. Hard Core Re-Reading Challenge hosted by You, Me and a Cup of Tea
I tend to re-read quite a bit and so I am going to aim for 16 books which means I have a re-reading bug. I’m aiming to reread the Harry Potter series this year and possibly Tamora Pierce. 🙂
3. What’s In A Name? Challenge hosted by The Worm Hole
I enjoyed this last year and so I am signing up again. There are six categories and I will need to read a book from each category.
4. Royal Challenge hosted by She’s Got Books on Her Mind
This challenge looks like so much fun! Basically, the challenge is to read books with royalty or quests in them. I’m going to go big and aim for the Queen level which is 15+ books. This challenge also has optional monthly discussions which I think sound like a lot of fun so I have them listed below as well.
5. Retelling Challenge hosted by The Daily Prophecy
This challenge is to read retellings of fairy tales, myths, legends, folk tales, ect. I kind of totally love retellings so I am going to aim for Wise Princess level which is 16-20 books.
6. Backlist Books Reading Challenge hosted by Pretty Deadly Reviews
The goal of this challenge is to read books that are more than one year old. Basically, starting in January of 2016 this would mean books published in 2014 or before. That makes up quite a bit of my currently owned TBR list. There really aren’t levels to aim for but I am going to go for 20 just because.
7. 2016 Book Blog Discussion Challenge hosted by Feed Your Fiction Addiction and It Starts at Midnight
I am totally a Dabbler when it comes to this challenge as I am so forgetful about posting discussions. I am going to aim for quarterly discussion posts this year which means four discussions. I hope to be able to surpass that number.